Platform Subscription API

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Returns a list of contacts with specified roles. There are options to include custom and also to include each contacts connected contacts

Requires Authentication
GetContacts Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
SuiteDataSourceInstanceIdqueryGuidYesGuid representing the external system datasource requesting the contact information. This is required to return any existing object subscription details for each contact.
ContactRolesqueryList<Guid>YesA list of 1 or more roles that a contact must have in order to be returned. (Roles are treated as OR not AND, ie a contact may have one or the other to be returned, but not necessarily both)
ContactTypesqueryList<Guid>NoA list of contact types that we want returned. If no contact types are specified all 4 major contact types are eligible to be returned. (organisation/person - real/virtual)
IncludeStaffqueryboolYesSet to true if you want to include the any linked staff for each contact.
CustomContentViewIdqueryGuidNoTo include custom content then you need to specify the view Id of the content to include.
ModifiedSincequeryDateTimeNoSet the date to return only contacts that have been modified since a particular date.
GetContactsModel Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
ContactsquerystringYesList of Contacts with details.
ContactStaffquerystringYesList of contact-staff details.
SubscriptionContactModel Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
ContactIdqueryGuidNoGuid of the contact object within Eros.
ContactTypequeryGuidYesGuid of the Contact Type List Item object within Eros.
MaritalStatusqueryGuid?NoGuid of the Marital Status List Item object within Eros.
GenderqueryGuid?NoGuid of the Gender List Item object within Eros.
FirstNamequerystringNoThe first given name for the contact. Applies to a person contact type.
MiddleNamequerystringNoThe middle name(s) for the contact. Applies to a person contact type.
SurnamequerystringNoThe surname for the contact. Applies to a person contact type.
FullNamequerystringNoThe full name for the contact.
ShortNamequerystringNoA short name for the contact.
BirthDatequeryDateTime?NoThe birth date for the contact. Applies to a person contact type.
TitlequerystringNoThe title for the contact. Applies to a person contact type.
SalutationquerystringNoA salutation for the contact.
AbnquerystringNoThe A.B.N for the contact.
AcnquerystringNoThe A.C.N for the contact.
ArbnquerystringNoThe A.R.B.N for the contact.
TradingNamequerystringNoA trading name for the contact.
LegalNamequerystringNoA legal name for the contact.
NotesquerystringNoAny notes/description for the contact.
EmploymentIndustryquerystringNoContact Employment Industry.
EmploymentRolequerystringNoContact Employment Role.
EmploymentGeographicAreaquerystringNoContact Employment Geographic Area.
DriversLicencequerystringNoThe Contacts Drivers Licence Number
GstRegisteredqueryboolNoIndicates if the Contact is registered for GST
RecordStatusquerystringNoThe status of the contact in EROS
ContactRolesqueryList<ContactRole>YesA list of roles this contact has.
ContactDetailsqueryList<ContactDetailModel>YesA list of the contact details for the contact.
CustomContentXMLquerystringNoCustom Content XML for the contact.
PrimaryMobilequerystringNoThe primary mobile for the contact.
PrimaryEmailquerystringNoThe primary email for the contact.
ContactRole Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
RoleIdqueryGuidYesGuid of the Role List Item object within Eros.
AlternateKeyquerystringNoThe unique key that represents the role type on the external system.
ContactDetailModel Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
ContactAddressModel Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
AddressModel Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
DistanceAwayquerydoubleNoThe distance between this project and another specified set of gps coordinates.
LatitudequeryDouble?YesThe latitude of an address - geographic coordinates specifying the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
LongitudequeryDouble?YesThe longitude of an address - geographic coordinates specifying the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.
AddressFormatIdqueryGuidNoAddress Format Id Guid - this will be determined by the service.
SuburbIdqueryGuidNoSuburb Id Guid - this will attempt to be determined by the SuburbName, StateShortName and Postcode entered.
SuburbNamequerystringNoThe suburb name.
StateShortNamequerystringNoThe shortened State Name e.g Vic for Victoria.
PostCodequerystringNoThe suburb postcode.
CountryIdqueryGuidNoCountry Id Guid - this will be determined by the CountrName or ISOCountryCode entered.
CountryNamequerystringNothe name of the country the address is within.
ISOCountryCodequerystringNoA 2 digit ISO Country Code representing the country.
LotNumberquerystringNoThe address Lot number.
SubUnitquerystringNoThe address Sub Unit number.
BuildingNumberquerystringNoThe address building number.
StreetNumberquerystringNoThe address street number.
StreetNamequerystringNoThe address street name including street type.
AddressLineOnequerystringNoA formatted address Line 1.
AddressLineTwoquerystringNoA formatted address Line 2.
AddressFullquerystringNoThe full address string.
IsPhysicalquerybool?NoTrue if the address is a physical location.
NotesquerystringNoNotes about the address.
AutoMapCoordinatesquerybool?NoIf true, the address is eligible for having its coordinates calculated/updated.
LocationCoordinatesqueryLocationCoordinatesNoLocation Coordinates for the address.
LocationCoordinatesModel Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
LatitudequeryDouble?YesThe latitude of an address - geographic coordinates specifying the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
LongitudequeryDouble?YesThe longitude of an address - geographic coordinates specifying the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.
AltitudequeryDouble?NoThe altitude of an address - the altitude above sea level.
AccuracyqueryDouble?NoAccuracy of the latitude and longitude.
AltitudeAccuracyqueryDouble?NoAccurancy of the Altitude.
HeadingqueryDouble?NoDirection you are heading.
SpeedqueryDouble?NoSpeed you are going.
VerticalSpeedqueryDouble?NoSpeed your altitude is ascending/descending at.
PhoneModel Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
ContactsStaff Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json

To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /json/reply/GetContacts HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
